Basic Golfing Tips For Beginners: 2

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‘Drive for show, but putt for the dough’ is what we’ve all seen and understood from professional golfers in every tournament and championship either live or on TV.

The best players of golf can drive a ball from the tee to kingdom-come, but in the end, it all comes down to how many hits of the ball it takes to get that ball in the hole. The long accurate drives don’t mean a thing if you’re unable to putt accurately on the green.

Choosing a putter is very important, but using whatever putter you have consistently is even more so. I’ve had the same putter for fifteen years: I know what it feels like in my hand; I know it’s weight; I know how that plays into my putts.

Now putting takes a huge amount of practice. Think about this: we drive the ball roughly eighteen times a game (once per hole), but putt at least twice that amount. So, surely it make sense to practice putting at least twice as much as driving? Therefore, if you just can’t get to the practice green that often, you could practice on your carpet at home.

Bear in mind that the ball can not make it to the hole, if it doesn’t have enough power behind it to get it in there. So, take the time to get down on your knees and look at the path from your ball to the hole. Does it slope one way or the other? Does it run uphill or downhill?

So, stand with your feet spread apart for balance and line up the putt. Keep you hands, arms and shoulders completely still. Imagine that you are a “bobble head” but that you move from just below your chest. Keep your head directly over the ball. Pull your club back; keep your hands, wrists, arms and shoulders steady – the movement comes from your chest. Hit the ball, following the ball through with your club.

Learn from each putt and remember the lesson. Practice, practice, practice!

Are you a rookie to golfing?? We have some great tips for the beginner golfer at Golfing Tips for Beginners